Monday, May 2, 2011

Space Oddity

This musical video clip is to most modern musical video clips as "2001" is to most modern Sci-Fi movies (well, the comparison may be a bit exaggerated!). It looks a bit rudimentary and dated but enchanting in such a way. The delicious original (1969) "Space Oddity" video of a remarkable Bowie song:


  1. have you seen British sci-fi "Moon" movie by Duncan Jones? He's Bowie's son btw.

  2. Hi, nice to see you around this corner barranek. No, I haven't seen this movie. It's somewhat recent and it didn't have commercial exhibition here in Portugal, at least that I have noticed. Is it any good? I quite like Sci-Fi movies, I'll look around for it. Thanks for the suggestion. I do not know this Duncan Jones fellow either.

  3. "Moon" (IMDB: reminded me "2001: space odyssey" mixed with "blade runner" and with "event horizon". Also, when I was watching it, I had "Space Oddity" playing in my head. Later, I got to know that D. Jones is Bowie's son. Funny coincidence? And it was his debut... It's not the best sci-fi movie I've seen, but compared to the majority, it's marvellous (my opinion:) especially if you take into account that it's a play of only one actor. recently duncan jones directed his next film "source code" which is also worth recommending.

  4. Thank's for the tip and the comments about the movie. Concerning 2001 and Blade Runner, Arthur C. Clarke and Philip K. Dick, those are two of my top favorite SciFi authors but they are on opposite extremes of the genre, aren't they? ACC's SciFi is fiction but with a care for scientific accuracy, whereas PKD uses SciFi genre as a vehicle for the wildest imagination while talking about very human issues that you can relate to despite all the fantastic (but amusing) SciFi envelope he creates in his stories. I love 'em both.
