Here's a suggestion for scoring real-people-beauty items:
- cute little asymmetric eyes (different sizes, different colors, a squinting eye, etc.) - 25 pts.
- charming little scar - 10 pts.
- broken nose with character - 10 pts.
- itsy-bitsy moles/freckles - 30 pts.
- conspicuously big ears - 10 pts.
- not quite perfectly aligned teeth - 15 pts.
- nicely weird (exquisite) natural hair color or hair style - 50 pts.
- a sensual overweight - 45 pts.
- classical protuding round belly - 30 pts.
- generously wide waist/large hips/big bottom - 35 pts.
- statuesque big feet - 20 pts.
- cute stubbornly unshaved body hair - 100 pts.
- bonus if more than two of the above qualities are there - 30 pts.
- bonus if all of the above qualities are there - well, I don't know, that's more reality than I can handle!